Gutter Topper – How it works

 Gutter Topper – How it Works





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The key to Gutter Topper’s amazing ability to handle water and repel leaves and debris is found in the science of its patented gutter cover design.

Water clings to the surface on which it travels. This ‘surface tension’ causes the water to cling to Gutter Topper’s rounded ‘nose’. The water literally follows the curve of the nose and is deposited in the slots at the bottom of the system. (Your Gutter Topper retailer will be glad to demonstrate this on a section of Gutter Topper using water from the faucet in your sink. You almost have to see it to believe it. Every drop goes where it belongs. Not one drop goes astray.)

Leaves and debris, on the other hand, won’t follow the curve. They’ll remain on Gutter Topper’s flat surface and blow harmlessly to the ground once they dry out.

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